Soul Forte: A Gathering to Write and Talk is a casual online workshop to read and write poetry. Share what you find beautiful and inspirational in poems. Sketch your own in an informal space of openness and wonder. Use our workshops to write poems just for you or to start your book manuscript. Join us!
We gather one (1) Sunday each month
from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.,
Eastern Time.
No pre-reading required. Just have a notebook and writing utensil, and pop in.
Please pay as you are able for each session you attend.
Sliding-scale prices are as follows:
First Session: Complimentary
Community Support: $5.00
True Cost: $12.00
Pay It Forward: $15.00
Your support and contributions enable Soul Forte to revive spirits, surprise minds, unlock writing, and widen hearts to rekindle human belonging.
Thank you for your support.
Drawing from Icelandic writer Audor Ava Olafsdottir’s recent novel Animal Life, we will read a little, write a little, and share out whatever you feel called to. There is no pre-reading required, since this session is less about plot comprehension and more about letting Olafsdottir’s lines about light and darkness, mountains and mud, self and spirit spur our imaginations and our writing. The session is writing intensive, so come with a pen and paper. By the end expect to be as uncertain as Olafsdottir when you look up and see human beings: “is it a person or an angle of light?”
Saturday, October 28th, 2023
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM, ET
Juliet is the Sun:
On Metaphor and Metamorphosis.
A workshop to write and talk about everyday and emergent ways of being in this new year.
Facilitated by author, professor, and coach Lina Rodriguez.
Sunday, January 29th, 2023
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM, ET.
Please contact me for the zoom link!
Dada Delights:
A workshop to write, talk, and celebrate whimsy and wonder with Dada, an early 20th century art movement.
Facilitated by writer and poet Tony Bates.
Sunday, December 18th, 2022.
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM.
Please contact me for the zoom link!
The Poetry of Forced Migration and Refugee Activism.
Submitted for consideration for the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for 2023.
Join us to write and talk with author Becky Thompson and her newest book of poems, To Speak in Salt.
Please consider supporting poets' work and purchasing Becky's book here or at your favorite bookseller. However, no pre-reading or book purchase is required to enjoy and gain from the session. Come!
Sunday, November 20th, 2022.
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM, ET.
Contact me for the zoom link!
Humans are gonna human.
Love is gonna love.
Let others be shocked.
A workshop to write and talk.
Facilitated by poet-playwright and dramatic theorist Irene Loy.
Sunday, October 23rd, 2022.
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM, ET.
Contact me for the zoom link!
I'm Pissed. Now What?
A workshop to write and talk about anger and change.
Join us for this second and final session in our Anger series. Let's write, roar, and renew together!
Facilitated by spiritual director and poet Ruah Bull.
Sunday, September 18th, 2022.
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM, ET.
Contact me for the zoom link!
Anger, the Sacred Smash:
A writing workshop where anger meets wisdom and the walls start tumbling down.
Let anger lead you to its secrets about healing and holiness.
Facilitated by spiritual director and poet Ruah Bull.
Sunday, August 14th, 2022.
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM, ET.
Contact me for the zoom link!
A workshop to write, talk, and laugh all the way to absurd ideas and new delights.
Find freedom. Treat yourself to the joy and release of writing and talking nonsense.
Facilitated by poet Tony Bates.
Sunday, July 24, 2022.
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM, ET.
Contact me for the zoom link!
A Workshop to Write, Talk, and Taste Life's Darks and Sparkles
We'll use each other's poems (either ones you find or ones you write) to enjoy life's rich darks, light and fluffy sweetness, and our own new writing we bake up during the session. If you'd like, please share your chosen poem on the doc beforehand.
*Thank you to Ginny Douglas for the theme and language of cupcakes and poetry to "chew on."
Sunday, May 29th, 2022
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM, ET
Contact me for the zoom link!
Mother's Day is just around the corner. In tribute to materning -- in the most expansive sense of the term -- and to all things majestic, maddening, and mysterious that stem therefrom, come to write and talk about what you know in your heart to be true, if not popular or understood. Poetry by Kim Parko (from whom "despite our reservations, we do have kids" comes), Diotimus's reflections on Artemis, and Kahlil Gibran's thoughts on parenting will spur our writing, imagination, and conversation. Come!
Mother's Day
Sunday, May 8th, 2022.
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM, ET, Zoom.
Contact me for the zoom link!
Resurrection is an ancient yet modern concept and experience, from Phoenix's rising from the ashes to one's own hard-won decision to rise from devastation and step once more into the unkempt but fragrant garden of life. Join us to write, talk, and reimagine resurrection with poetry from around the world, across time, and in your own soul. Come!
In her new book Curating Bracha: An Exhibition in Words and Light, Angelina Rodriguez writes the life of feminist and spiritual painter Bracha Ettinger as an exhibit of paintings. What splashes of color, lines of light, and curious shapes deliver you and imagined viewers "to the light available" in your every breath and thought? Join us for this two-session series to write, talk, and imagine your life as a series of paintings that heals both artist and viewer. Gather for this writing excursion into the gallery of the soul and write those streaks of light: your life.
This first of two workshops inspired by Angelina Rodriguez's new book, Curating Bracha: An Exhibition in Words and Light, invites us to notice invisible love showered upon us. "You may not feel this happening," Rodriguez writes, "but something is changing." In what ways do we unconsciously radiate and receive love? How might art and writing carry us through this rainstorm toward mutual healing? Come to write and get drenched by love.
In this second and concluding workshop on Angelina Rodriguez's book Curating Bracha: An Exhibition in Words and Light, we will gather the invisible love from the previous session and shape it into colors, objects, and textures on the page to write our autobiographies as a series of paintings. What events shaped you? What people guided you? What titles would you give paintings of your journey? We will write our lives as streaks of light and splashes of opal, onyx, and sea green. Write the living museum of your own masterpiece: your life.
We’re living in a time of change, reappraisal, mystery. It’s a threshold space, and together we can write our way through it and see what unfolds. Join guest facilitator and author Kim Langley to look at poems and quotes from her book Send My Roots Rain: A Companion on the Grief Journey, and rediscover what lies behind, ahead, and within.
Join us for Part 3, our third and final session in this series. We will review, integrate, and introduce Warrior and Evader wisdom. Come! Facilitated by poet-playwright Irene Loy.
Join us for Part 2! Learn to perceive the world through archetypes, and let everything change inside you. Last session we befriended the Coyote, Trickster, and Caretaker inside us. This time, we will get cozy with the Mystic, Devil, and Child. Come! Facilitated by poet-playwright Irene Loy.
Get to know ancient energies inside you in this special Institute writing workshop series facilitated by poet-playwright Irene Loy.
Celebrate the changeless strength of the human soul with a writing workshop in this season of resilience. Come to write, talk, and reimagine, in the words of poet Natalie Diaz, "all we have been born for, . . . all we have yet to become of love."
Celebrate raw beauty in this poetry party with Soul Forte: A Journal for Spiritual Writing contributors Tony Bates, Arlo d'Olivine, Diana Dunn, Mara Inglezakis, Kathleen Finn Jordan, Tanja Kummerfeld, Bethany Lee, Donna Pucciani, and poetry enthusiasts everywhere. To learn more, please contact me here.
Learn to love both harmonies and dissonance in music and beyond in this special writing workshop with guest host, Tony Bates.
The Muses spoke to you. Share with us what they shared with you. Send 1 to 3 poems or pieces of short prose for publication in Soul Forte: A Journal of Spiritual Writing. To learn more, please contact me here.
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., EST
What would happen if instead of asking each other what we do, we asked, What are you here to do? What would your most ideal job description look like?
Lina Rodriguez, PhD, author, professor, and coach, will facilitate this writing workshop.
Join us to write, talk, and imagine. Leave with a promotion to your higher self.
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., EST
Welcome to our final session of How to be a Mystic, and we've only just begun! Join us to explore Helen Schucman's poetry about The Real World, a place that looks like everything you ever felt it was at the back and base of your heart your entire lifelong. So, come! -- and write what you know.
11:00 a.m. t 12:30 p.m., EST
Join us for our third session of How to be a Mystic. We will explore Emily Dickinson's day job as a mystic. Her duties: to translate the Divine and Eternity into language, lines, and stanzas. Let's join her in transcribing the mysticism inside us!
11:00 a.m. t 12:30 p.m., EST
Join us for our second session of How to Be a Mystic: Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Feminist Mysticism. There's no need to have attended session 1. Just pop in!
We will read, write, and revel in Marie Howe's poems written in the voice of two women who taught Yeshua ben Yosef a thing or two: Mary, his mother, and Mary Magdalene, his close friend and confidante. Let's talk and write about mysticism from the point of view of Jesus's own teachers.
11:00 a.m. t 12:30 p.m., EST
Let's talk about mysticism! In session 1, Rumi's poetry, your own thoughts, and our shared and revered cluelessness will inspire our writing and conversation. This session is perfect for both new and veteran writers, for anyone interested in learning more about mystical poetry, for those who enjoy gathering with fellow seekers, and anyone interested in starting to write a book or complete one. Let's sit down, write, and chat with Rumi and each other about The Real World always aflutter in our own hearts.
11:00 a.m. t 12:30 p.m., EST
Our session This Book Changed Me was so beautiful, we're gathering for Part 2, This Book Changed Me, Too.
Come and let your book, poem, or song change us!
Just like last session, you have a small -- and fun! -- homework assignment! Please type a favorite paragraph, line, or phrase from your favorite book, poem, or song here.
We'll use everyone's chosen passages to generate writing and revelry in an eclectic community of listeners and activists, witches and mystics, delicious sinners and mischievous saints. Come!
This session is perfect for both new and established writers, for anyone interested in books and beauty, for those wishing to start writing a book or to complete one. Come, and let your book change us.
11:00 a.m. t 12:30 p.m., EST
What book or poem changed you? What line, phrase, or paragraph made you feel understood, less alone, filled with new hope? Bring that line, paragraph, or phrase to this session, and type it on the google doc link here. if you can. We will use everyone's chosen moments to generate writing, conversation, and discovery.
This session is perfect for both new and established writers, for anyone interested in books and beauty, for those wishing to start writing a book, or for those wishing to complete one. Come, and let your book change us.
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., EST
Langston Hughes’s poetry inspired a nation and a world with its elegance. Dreams, their promise, their potential, and their peril, should they be lost, figured prominently in his works. For Black Americans, the theme seemed particularly poignant as dreams were the only wealth available in many circumstances. Even Dr. Martin Luther King’s "I Have a Dream" speech called heavily on the imagery of his friend, pen pal, and erstwhile travel companion, Langston Hughes. Join us to write and reflect on dreaming through adversity as a powerful and unassailable tool for renewal. Dr. Carl DuPont, assistant professor of voice at Johns Hopkins University, will lead the gathering.
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., EST
Join us for this four session series to walk through four different poets' approaches to mystical insights: Rumi, Marie Howe, Emily Dickinson, and Helen Schucman. We'll use their work to unlock our own mystical poetry.
We start with Rumi's conversational mysticism in Session 1. We then pause with Marie Howe's feminist mysticism in her poetic tributes to Mary Magdalene and Mary, mother of Jesus in Session 2. The otherworldly grammar of Emily Dickinson's mysticism will puzzle and delight us in Session 3. These sessions will prepare us in Session 4 for perhaps the most radical mystical poetry of all, Helen Schucman's, best known for penning one of the English language's most quietly ferocious mystical documents, A Course in Miracles. She was also a closet poet.
Open-ended prompts will coax you to write poems from the voice of the everyday mystic inside you. Come. It's time.
We meet on four Sundays (Sept. 5, 12, 26, + Oct. 3) from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., EST.
If you attend all (4) sessions, please pay $25 per session. If you book less than four sessions, each individual session is $30.
Please register here.
Please reach out with questions to
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., EST
We will be Flying through a Hole
in the Storm with guest poet Fleda Brown,
Delaware Poet Laureate Emerita. Join us to read, write, and dialogue with Dr. Brown. Poet Tanja Kummerfeld will facilitate the gathering. To order Dr. Brown's book, please visit or your favorite bookseller. However, purchasing the book is not required to participate and enjoy.
9:00 to 11:30 a.m., EST
Inhale. Stretch. Emerge.
Join us for Soul Salon's first morning retreat! Let poetry and art about dawn inspire your own emergence. We'll read, write + relearn together what we know in our hearts to be true. Discover deeper ways of knowing through mystical poetry and drawings by contemplative artists in a casual + interactive space.
Benjamin Bagocius and guest co-host Lina Rodriguez -- author, professor, and coach -- will facilitate this expansive morning. Inhale, stretch, and emerge with us!
11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., EST
Come to celebrate the launch of Soul Forte: A Journal for Spiritual Writing. Listen to contributing poets read their work, including Helene Pasquin, Tanja Kummerfeld, Anthony Bates, Virginia Douglas, Joann Boswell, Kate Belew, Debbie Benson, Becky Thompson, and Lina Rodriguez. Respond or just listen, and let your imagination dance, sweaty and breathless to the familiar and surprising music of your own heart.
Sunday, June 20, 202111:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Father's Day meets Gay Pride. Nothing else to do but love him. Join us to explore blastoffs and blocks to loving him in whatever form, whoever he may be. Walt Whitman's poetry will lead the way, and your own writing + poetry in response will steer us to the heart's common and surprising love.
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
What would it mean to drop identity like a towel and plunge into life wearing only True Self, our real birthday suit? We'll splash around in writing both by Hindu spiritual explorer Nisargadatta Maharaj and our own. We'll emerge from this sea soaking wet with each other's ideas about Great Mystery. We'll jot down what that's like by writing our own poems, and our hearts will splash us back.
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
What is the Eternal Maternal to you? Helene called it "a depth of knowing that scalds and purifies." Chris called it "a smack to put you back in line." Tony called it "arrival at Union Station -- gate to Heaven." Becky called it a "safety pin holding a star to the boy's heart." Tanja called it "seeing everything for the first time." Mara asked "Da fuq can't we get a break?" Irene called it "the space surrounding the 10,000 year-long shlong." Ben called it "the dream God had of his mother." The Eternal Maternal didn't call it anything and just smiled. All of this is delightfully subject to change in Part 2. Pull up a zoom chair and join us!
What is being born in you? Please join us for writing and conversation on the ways we are each pregnant with a Being that has chosen us as its guardian. With the writing of Thich Nhat Hanh and H.D., we're throwing a baby shower for the bouncing bundle of Beauty coursing within us. Join us. The gift you bring is yourself.
Mountains shake, losing and finding their balance. So, too, the heart. Come to read, write, and revel in each other's ideas about the ascents and descents of the human heart. Rain or shine, the poetry of Else Lasker-Schueler will guide us across the summits.
There's no election for the Soul, because it's already won. Join the victory party! Acceptance speeches will be provided by the poetry of Helen Schucman and Emily Dickinson. We'll make some noise by listening to each other's responses and writing our own poems.
Who said falling has to be scary? Join us as we plunge together into the divine nothingness of who we are. Live to write a poem about it.
"Which way should you go?" might be the wrong question. Join us as we follow the sentence-paths of Deborah Bagocius and Thich Nhat Hanh. They may lead you right into the thicket of your own new poem.
What does poetry about fairy tales teach us about what it means to be human? Discover new poetry and write your own in a casual gathering full of wonder and free of judgment.
Disability reveals human immensity. Let's learn together from poetry and each other that who we are -- in both our limitations and abundance -- is where the hope is.